The script is a wrapper for libhostile. It will do the LD_PRELOAD for you as well as setup the required calls you want to be hostile with. It should be used as follows:

$ [options] <program> [program_options]

Where <program> is the application/service you wish to be hostile to and [program_options] are the options for it. For example, this would be hostile to malloc() calls with curl:

$ -m 500 curl -L

With all the below options the frequency is roughly how often the call should fail. So a frequency of 500 will fail roughly every 1/500 calls (there is a random element to it and a small grace period).

-a frequency

Become hostile on accept() and accept4() calls.

-c frequency

Become hostile on connect() calls

-e frequency

Become hostile on recv() calls

-g frequency

Become hostile on getaddrinfo() calls

-l frequency

Become hostile on poll() calls

-m frequency

Become hostile on malloc() calls

-o frequency

Become hostile on socket() calls

-p frequency

Become hostile on pipe() and pipe2() calls

-r frequency

Become hostile on realloc() calls

-s frequency

Become hostile on send() calls

-t frequency

Become hostile on setsockopt() calls

-w frequency

Become hostile on write() calls

-x frequency

Become hostile on close() calls